Curriculum Vitae |
Name |
Stoytcho Stoyanov Yazadjiev |
Nationality |
Bulgarian |
Work Address |
Department of Theoretical Physics, Physics Faculty
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
5 Bouchier blvd.
Sofia 1164, Bulgaria |
Phone |
+359 2 81-61-672 |
E-mail |
yazad@phys.uni-sofia.bg |
Degrees |
PhD, 2000, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia |
DSc, 2007, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia |
Positions |
Full Professor 2009 - present, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia |
Research Interests |
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Gravity, String Theory, Astrophysics
Teaching |
Vector and Tenson Calculus |
Introduction to the Black-Hole Theory |
Quantum Field Theory |
Electrodynamics |
Students |
Up to now I have supervised 4 PhD theses and 12 diploma students. Currently I am supervising one PhD student. |